Wednesday, February 11, 2009

RateItAll Releases Free Social Media Promotion Tool

RateItAll Releases Free Social Media Promotion Tool

Leading Consumer Review Network RateItAll Helps any Business, Website, Product, or Brand Get Exposure with

San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) February 11, 2009 -- RateItAll (, a consumer review network and web service that allows people to find and share reviews on any topic, today launched ( - a free tool designed to help any business, website, blog, brand, or product gain exposure and receive feedback from real consumers.

"Consumer reviews are a powerful vote of confidence for a business," said Wil Crossley, owner of The Finer Details (, a chain of car detailing shops based in Houston. "We've seen many instances of new customers finding reviews on RateItAll about our business and seeking us out. From our perspective, it's better than a paid marketing campaign."

The new tool is not just for local businesses. It is available to anyone with something to promote - bloggers, website owners, brand marketers, PR agencies, search marketing agencies and more. Each listing created via is tightly integrated with sharing tools for Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Digg, and other social media sites to enable maximum exposure, and features a link back to the appropriate website.

There are numerous examples of companies, products, and brands who have enjoyed wide exposure via a free listing on RateItAll.

Zicam, a popular cold remedy, has enjoyed tremendous success on RateItAll. More than 80% of the consumers rating the product have had a positive experience, and the page's high rank on Google has provided an extension of Zicam's marketing campaign.

"Your customers are your best sales people. RateitAll makes it easy for users of our products to share their experiences in a trusted community atmosphere," said Tim Connors, vice president of marketing at Matrixx Initiatives, Inc., makers of Zicam® Cold Remedy. "We believe that encouraging the online discussion of our brand is a significant part of engaging our consumers."

Todd Malicoat is a leading search marketer and hosts a popular search marketing blog at ( where he discusses search engine and social media optimization.

"It's been a lot of fun seeing what my readers and clients have to say about my blog," says Todd. "I'm a big believer in opening up as many communication channels as possible with my clients - RateItAll is perfect for that."

Nioxin is a popular anti-thinning hair treatment that enjoys very high consumer ratings on RateItAll where an overwhelming majority of consumers have a favorable impression of the product.

"We believe that if you have a good product, it makes sense to give your consumers the tools to help spread your marketing message," said Jim Grannan, VP Corporate Communications for Nioxin. opens up this sort of free promotion and distribution opportunities to anyone with a marketing message in need of an audience. Marketers wishing to tap consumer reviews for viral distribution of their marketing message should visit ( and set up a free listing.

"From the mightiest brand to the smallest of niche blogs, we think that there are a lot of folks who can benefit from increased distribution and increased conversation about their product, brand, or business," said RateItAll CEO, Lawrence Coburn. "Our goal is to make the first check box in any marketing plan."

About RateItAll

Based in San Francisco, RateItAll ( is a consumer review network where visitors can find and share reviews on virtually any topic. All of the site's content is available for syndication via widgets and an API (, and RateItAll members share in the advertising revenue associated with their reviews. RateItAll's mission is to help people help others by sharing trusted reviews of whatever inspires them.


Contact Information LAWRENCE COBURN

RateItAll, Inc.

415 235 5609

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